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Brigitte Prost

Theatre critic, lecturer and researcher in Performance Studies

Rennes 2 University

Brigitte Prost is a theatre critic and lecturer (HDR) in the performing arts at Rennes 2 University. Her researches focuses on the staging of XVIIth century French classics, the classics of South West India (Kathakali and Mohini Attam), the stage as a place of memory, the creative process, dramatic criticism and interculturalism.

Major publications include Les Jeux de l’écart : mises en scène du répertoire classique (Corneille, Molière et Racine) en France de 1965 à nos jours, Rennes, PUR, 2010; Jean Rohou, Brigitte Prost, Lectures du Misanthrope, Rennes, PUR, coll. Didact français, 2016; Les Classiques sur la scène des années 1880-1960, Pézenas, Éditions Domens, 2018; Guy Freixe, Brigitte Prost (dir.), Les enjeux du masque sur la scène contemporaine, Bruxelles, n° 140, mars 2020.

She participated in filmed interviews for the Fabrique du spectacle (, a digital portal (under the scientific direction of Sophie Lucet) dedicated to contemporary creation processes.